Experts Panels
What is the Experts Panel service?
The Experts Panel service is an advisory service offered by AIoT Canada expert members to assist other members tackle important business, technical, regulatory and other issues.
Experts Panels consist of teams of up to 5 experts in certain domains who volunteer their time and expertise to help guide participants towards solutions to questions in the respective domains.
Examples of domains include cybersecurity, connectivity and many others.
The objective of the consultation is to provide guidance on an approach to solve a specific challenge - i.e. it is not the mandate of the team to solve a specific challenge, but to suggest different approaches to the solution.
Who is eligible for the Experts Panel program?
All AIoT Canada members are eligible to benefit from the services of the Experts Panel program.
Ecosystem Members receive up to 3 consultation sessions per year included in membership fees.
Visibility Members are eligible to benefit at a discount of the full rate.
Non-members of AIoT Canada are also eligible for the service at the full price.
What is the cost of the Experts Panel services?
Ecosystem Members receive up to 3 no-cost consultation sessions per year included in membership fees. Additional consultations are available to 15% discount to the full rate.
Visibility Members could pay for the Experts Panel services which are offered at a 15% discount to the full rate.
Non-members of AIoT Canada would be eligible at the full rate.
The full rate is $600/hr.
What are the domains for the Experts Panel service?
AIoT Canada established Experts Panel domains include:
Additional domains are in process of forming.
Who are the members of the Experts Panels?
Experts Panels are staffed by members of AIoT Canada who are experts in their specific domains and have graciously agreed to dedicate part of their time to helping the wider community.
These domain experts were vetted by AIoT Canada for their expertise and integrity. All domain experts participating in the program have signed a confidentiality agreement and subscribed to a code of conduct to maintain the professionalism and integrity of the service.
What is required of the client/program participant?
We ask two things from the participants who receive service under the Experts Panels:
Sign a form prior to the start of the consultation that AIoT Canada and members of the Experts Panels are not liable for the consultation content and outcome; and,
Complete a post-consultation survey to provide feedback to help us improve the program.
Can I choose the experts I want to speak with?
Yes. Each Experts Panel consists of up to 5 experts in a certain domain. When you request a service, AIoT Canada will assign the team in the respective domain. You will be able to indicate your preference for the experts based on their profile and AIoT Canada will do its best to include them on the team.
How do I request a consultation?
Fill up the form here to request a specific expertise.
How long is a consultation?
A typical consultation lasts around 1 hour. We ask clients to respect this limit out of respect for the time of our volunteer experts.
How do I participate in the program as a domain expert?
We welcome new experts to join the Experts Panel program. If you are interested to volunteer sharing your domain expertise with the wider AI/IoT community, please contact the Experts Panel Coordinator through the contact us form below or the application form here.
AIoT Canada has an onboarding process that the program coordinator will share with you. The process involves filling an application to highlight relevant experience and references, sign a confidentiality agreement and the code of ethics. AIoT Canada has a selection committee that will review the application for approval
We expect that our expert volunteers commit participating in the program for a minimum period of 1 year.