With the holidays approaching, it's a good time to close out some projects, finalize some milestones, take a break and take stock.
With the pandemic that keeps on coming, 2021 has generated a lot of hope but also uncertainties. And, this new era certainly brings its share of challenges, opportunities and forces us to adapt despite our habits.
2022 will undoubtedly be a pivotal year for our industry in many ways. A year where after some digital shifts have begun, companies are learning to tame these major transitions and to build the capital of confidence necessary to interweave these changes in a sustainable manner.
To illustrate, the recent McKenzie study, released at the end of November, makes this clear. "The value of the IoT will accelerate until 2030". McKenzie estimates that this value will range from $5.5T to $12.6T. This global growth was at the time around $1.7T in 2020.
Also, the following table produced by Statista clearly demonstrates the acceleration of IoT usage in North America. Other charts also show this exponential growth for at least a decade.

In short, exponential growth has been present in all sectors for a decade now, and the strongest growth is generated by consumer adoption of electronic devices. For example – consider the growing adoption of kiosks, smartwatches, and connected devices in our home.
The public enthusiasm we are seeing indicates IoT is not fleeting and sends a powerful signal to the industry that the IoT is becoming the new "El Dorado".
However, even if the numbers are promising, the reality on the ground is quite different. The healthcare system and the manufacturing sector are struggling to understand what technologies are needed and, even more so, how AI should be used. We must seize this opportunity to highlight the right uses, particularly to publicize industrial success stories. Also, to help the public sector embrace this shift, especially concerning connected health, sustainable transportation, energy consumption, and public safety issues.
With this in mind, in 2022, AIoT Canada will undertake this quest to highlight some solutions and fuel the dialogue around the importance of having an industrial strategy combining both IoT and AI. In the coming weeks, we will introduce you to key industry people who are volunteering to write articles, develop a B2B platform, develop educational material, or speak publicly. In the past two months, more than 20 people have raised their hands to spread the word about the importance of the industry collectively.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you an extraordinarily Happy Holiday season. Take the time to re-energize and celebrate because the future of 2022 will be filled with "interesting surprises". Watch for the upcoming federal budget that may propel a greener and more structural digital shift to help the business community revive the economy.
News in brief
New Chairman of the Board and a new National Executive
At its December 1st meeting, the Board of Directors elected Salvatore Cimmino as Chairman of the Board.
In addition, Éric Janosz will act as Vice-President and Treasurer, while Denis Remon has agreed to act as Secretary.
We invite you to see the list of all board members by visiting the following web page.
March 30-31, 2022. An Important Rendezvous!
The International IoT North 2022 Conference, in Calgary.
AIoT Canada is pleased to be one of the official partners of this international conference.
For this event, we are collaborating with IoT Alberta to offer the conference with renowned speakers, organize a round table discussion, hold our three major strategic committee meetings, and gather our board of directors.
Despite the pandemic, we are confident that we will be able to gather a contingent from AIoT Canada. Please note that all AIoT Canada members are eligible for a $200 discount on the full price.
I invite you to communicate your interest and take the time to visit the conference website: www.iotnorthconference.ca. You will find all the details there.
********* To be continued
- We are developing a new program for 2022
- We will make announcements related to a new B2B platform
- A word from our three regional representatives
- The game plan of our three major strategic committees/members of the various committees.
Have a great holiday season!
Our three main strategic directions can be summarized as follows
Axis 1: Government relations
Axis 2: Foster industry support
Axis 3: Catalyze the adoption of AIoT solutions in the marketplace